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Sakura cup デビューします。
みなさんこんにちは !
すでにSNSで露出していますが、この度 Sakura cup をリリースする事となりました。
2020年初旬に生産を終了した、「 jisugi cup 」の後、沢山の再販を希望される皆様よりのご連絡を頂きながら、なにかしら別の形での再販を模索してまりました。
全国の色々な材やカップを製造加工してくださる所を探して色々と検討をしてまいりましたが、この度、栃木産の「山桜」を使った Sakura cup を販売する運びとなりました!
栃木県は創業72年の実績を誇る「 星野工業株式会社 」様にてお願いできる事となりました。
星野工業がある栃木県鹿沼のの歴史は、日光東照宮造営のため全国各地から集まった宮大工や建具職人がその技術を伝承したのが始まりと伝えられています。高度な木工技術の優秀さは現在においても 受け継がれ、 良質の木材が切り出され高度な木工技術により全国的にも有数の木工産業の地です。家具、建具、木製品などあらゆる木工製品に対応できる住宅関連産業の一大生産地として発展を続けています。星野工業は、「循環する持続可能な社会」を目指し、志し高く木工産業に取り組まれている企業です。
また今回、Sakura cupをリリースするにあたり、再度ディテイルの形状を見直しまして、星野工業の高い技術によりより美しく、より繊細な形状が実現。
発売は 8月 1日 より。
Hi there.
We are glad to introduce “Sakura cup” as new item this time.
Since Jisugi cup was finished in 2020, we receive many requirements that it comes back in stock. So, we have been searching another way.
We are finding some workshops which can produce and trying so many kinds of wood for our wooden cup. Finally, we can make “Sakura cup” is made of “Yamazakura” in Tochigi!
You like Sakura, don’t you? I love it.
Are you wondering why we choose “Sakura” for a cup?
We chose Sakura which have to be cut for some reasons and utilize them not to waste it.
We are very proud to introduce a manufacture of Sakura cup is…
Hoshino Industrial Co., Ltd. in Kanuma, Tochigi
Skilled carpenters and craftsmen were called to build Nikko Toshogu shrine which is now very popular as a World Heritage site and their skills have taken root in Kanuma, Tochigi. Hoshino industrial has been challenging environmental issues since 1945. They are passing on Japanese tradition and accurate knowledge about wood to the next generation.
Hoshino Industrial has so high technique makes a shape of Sakura cap more beautiful with details.
Let’s have a look at their production site
Make it cup with handwork one by one from rough sawn wooden material.
Fine adjustment of shape to perfect
Make a beautiful hole to put a rope as a handle.
So smooth Urethane coating finished which is approved
It is an awesome wooden cup
We use Sakura as raw material which is cut down for some reason so that it is rare. Therefore, Sakura cup is a kind of a limited quantity. But we are trying to continue our production for everyone who wants to have it. I appreciate your patience.
We will kick off the pre-order lottery on 1. August. We are looking forward to your participation in it.
Thank you!
camp, event, gear
A’ Design Award 受賞のご報告
この度、毎年イタリアで開催される国際的なデザインコンペティション A’ Design Award & Competition(エーダッシュデザインアワード&コンペティション)にてsunsetclimax「 Metal Cup 」が、BRONZE Award を受賞した事をご報告いたします。
これからも「 記憶 」に残るアイテムを生み出し、皆様の生活の楽しみの一つになれる様日々進んでいきます。
■A’ Design Award & Competitionについて
A’ Design Award & Competitionは、デザインの質と完成度の指標として世界的に認知されており、最高のデザイン、デザインコンセプト、製品、サービスを選ぶ世界最大級のデザインコンペティション。約100か国のデザイナーが参加しており、50を超える言語で応募を呼びかけています。ビジョンは、優れたデザイン、デザイナー、デザイン関連企業を紹介、宣伝、支持することで、そのデザインに携わった方々の将来の展望を広げること。デザインのクオリティと完成度の高さを表すバロメーターとして、世界的に認められています。コンペに参加したすべての作品は、国際的にも著名な学者、有名なジャーナリスト、デザイナー、経営者たちにより審査されます。(http://www.competition.adesignaward.com)
同アワードのビジョンは、「Ars Futura Cultura」、つまりアートは未来を育み、アートは未来の文化のためにあるということ。未来はアート、デザイン、テクノロジーで決まると信じ、より良い未来のために優れたデザインが必要だとしている。より良い未来のために、優れたデザイン、デザイナー、デザインに関心を抱く企業を取り上げ、世間に広め、支持している。
A’ Design Award
We are delighted to inform you that sunsetclimax “Metal Cup” will receive BRONZE Award in this year’s A’ Design Award from Italy.
We are very honored to receive this award and greatly appreciate the support of my team members and all concerned. From now on, we are going to design and create strong impression products which make your life happier.
Thank you.
■About A’ Design Award & Competition
A’ Design Award & Competition (designaward.com), one of the World’s largest and most diffused international design awards. A’ Design Awards were established to create awareness for good design practices and principles. The ultimate aim of the A’ Design Award & Competition is to build strong incentives for designers, companies and brands from all countries to come up with better products, services and systems that benefit mankind. A’ Design Award & Competition therefore highlights and pushes forward worldwide designers and brands to create products and projects that offer additional value, increased utility, new functionality, superior aesthetics, exceptional efficiency, improved sustainability and remarkable performance. Entries were carefully evaluated by an internationally influential jury panel composed of established scholars, prominent press members, creative design professionals and experienced entrepreneurs who devoted great care and attention to details while voting each entry. (http://www.competition.adesignaward.com)The motto of the A’ Design Awards is “Ars Futura Cultura” i.e. Arts Cultivate the Future, Arts for the Culture of Future.
camp, gear
Tarp CT01 完成。
「Tarp CT01」が完成いたしました。
Hi, there! I think that spring will come around a corner and you feel like camping. Well, it’s time to introduce our new product, Tarp CT01 which is made of 100% cotton.
以前よりユーザー様から「 たき火近くで使えるタープが欲しいです 」とお話を伺う事が多々ありまして、より多彩なキャンプスタイルにマッチするタープ、sunsetclimaxらしく、シンプルかつエレガントなタープをつくって見たいっ!という想いで開発を進めて参りました。
I have received a couple of comment from some of sunsetclimax owners that they want a tarp which is possible to use near a fire pit. So we have developing a new tarp which can meet our brand concept, such as simple and elegant.
大戦時のイギリスでパイロットの軍服用として開発された生地を”Made in Japan”の技術で実現した、透湿性と撥水性を両立させたコットン100%の超高密度織物です。生地自体が雨を吸い、膨張することによって防水機能を発揮。加水分解せず、ビンテージジーンズのように経年変化を楽しみながら、末永くご利用いただけます。生地感はとってもスムーズで、私、大好きです!。
Let me tell you a story of fabric of CT01 at first.
We have selected and choose a super-high density 100% cotton fabric for it.
This fabric which was developed for pilots’ immersion suits in England is reproduced by Japanese technology. The super-high density 100% cotton fabric which has great moisture permeability and waterproof property. The fabric becomes waterproof by absorbing and swelling with rain. You can enjoy its aging without hydrolysis like vintage jeans. I love it!
I want to mention that our white fabric of Tarp01 is also better against hydrolysis than PU fabric as well.
特に雨漏れの可能性が高い生地のジョイント部分には、トラック幌や建築用オーニングで使われるUVカット性・撥水性・耐候性に優れた加工糸を採用し、タープに合う径の糸を専用に制作。より性能を高めました。この糸も”Made in Japan”です。
Next, sewing thread which I choose.
I carefully selected the sewing thread for CT01 and adapted a finished yarn which is normally used for a Truck hood or an outside awning at construction site. It has a high performance of UV protection, water-repellent and weatherability. In addition, I adjusted a diameter of thread to meet for the fabric. It should make better performance as tarp. It is made in Japan.
As you know well, outline’s tape of tarp is made by Motohashi tape co.,ltd. in Shizuoka which is very famous in outdoor industry. It is fantastic!
I tried so hard to make my favorite Burgundy for it. All of material for CT01 is dyed with original custom color Burgundy which I can satisfy. I think you also satisfy a gorgeous color at camping site.
Shielding rate of the ultraviolet rays is 99.99%. It is almost 100%.
張り姿も、sunsetclimax らしい美しいシルエット。こだわっています!
When you pitch CT01 at site, you will see the beautiful shape of tarp. Perfect!
The attachments, such as Guy rope and original SUS tensioner are best selection as well as current sunset climax original tarp series.
I love and recommend this original top load duffle bag this time.
I design the size of bag is big enough so that you can roughly folded the tarp and then install into the bag easily.
Tarp 01などの白く美しいタープシリーズは、扱いにかなり気を使う方も多かったのではないでしょうか。近くでのたき火などのスス汚れ、そのほかの汚れなど。
( でもあの白いタープの美しさ、タープ下での気持ちよさ、夜の美しさはいいですよね〜。)
I think it is hard to keep a white tarp like a Tarp 01 if you use it near a bonfire because of ashes from it.
(However, I still recommend the white tarp because of such a beautiful circumstance at night time)
I would suggest that you should choose your tarp as you like. It depends on your favorite style. For example, you can enjoy camping with a white tarp to feel a gentle wind today. You can have a fun of bonfire with CT01 another day. Please choose your tarp to meet your feeling as you like.
尚、巷では「たき火タープ」という事で話される方も多いのですが、Tarp CT01は、あくまでも化繊素材に比べ、火の粉に強いとされているコットン素材でして、「 難燃、防炎素材ではありません 」ので、ご理解の上ご購入、ご使用ください。
By the way, someone call CT01 Takibi tarp but it is not. Compared with Synthetic fabrics, it is not easy to get a fire though. Please remember it is just 100% cotton fabric which doesn’t catch a fire easily and it is not fire proof or flame retardant fabric.
In addition, compared with Tarp01 or else which you may have, you might feel darker under the tarp during night time. I would suggest that you can prepare more lanterns or a light. Or, you enjoy natural dark atmosphere during camping. Find your style with CT01.
We will start pre-order lottery for CT01 from today. It shall be closed when it runs over. Please check it out at sunsetclimax online shop. We are looking forward to your participation in the lottery. Thank you!